The upshot of our personal contretemps with a flood of overflowing toilet water was exhaustion. I cleaned myself up and went to yoga, too tired to make the dinner I had planned. Roger, a valiant water battler, and Nick went to Subway.
This illuminates the logic of the poor family in the movie. The main poor characters almost always seem to eat out. I am aware, living in Barnesville, that an acute part of the class divide here is summed up in who cooks in--makes "real" meals--and who relies on fast food and junk food. Not making home cooked meals is looked down upon as a mark of being lower class.
Parasite captures that: When our poor protagonist family earns some cash folding pizza boxes in their apartment, we next see them in a fast food type joint drinking sodas and eating bags of chips. Later, when the adult son and daughter land tutoring positions with a rich family, the first thing the foursome (including the parents do) is go to a cheap fast food buffet where they pile their plates high with food.
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Folding boxes in their cluttered basement apartment |
The day after the unfortunate flood, the bathroom rugs duly washed, dried, fluffed and returned to the bathroom floor, I did make my planned meal of mushroom stroganoff, and as I did I ruminated on how emblematic my easy ability to do so is of class position: how can this seemingly simple task be possible for people living in precarity?
I could make a stroganoff because I am not working on my feet all day or dealing with irate customers or facing a harrowing commute home, all of which easily leaves one too spent and exhausted to cook a complicated meal. I have also lived in the same home, with plenty of room and a large kitchen, for 11 years: therefore, I have all I need to cook at hand--thyme and worcestershire sauce in the cupboard, flour, butter, fresh mushrooms, onions, garlic, wine, organic vegetable broth. These are expensive and time consuming to gather all at once--for such cooking to be possible, such items have to be part of the normal flow of life, along with a full array of cooking utensils--measuring cups, spatulas, wire whisks, pots and pans, strainers, good knives, wooden spoons. And one has to have the energy to clean all this up.
It is easy to see how especially the mother in Parasite might not want to come home and cook and clean up after cooking and caring for another family all day. It is easy to see how the family, living precariously and in a home that might be prone to flooding, might not accumulate the necessary items to put together a home cooked meal even if they somehow could muster the energy.
Who can judge them for eating out?
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Happily eating out:food is good when you have been hungry |
The movie is a twist on the 1970s series Upstairs/Downstairs: as I was watching the poor family, who all insinuate themselves into employment as servants, take advantage of the rich family's camping trip to bath in their tubs, eat their food, drink their alcohol and sprawl on their furniture, it instantly brought to mind a classic episode of the original series when the servants to do the same, though in their case they primarily dress up in their master's clothes--and drink their alcohol.
Likewise, the idea of the people at the bottom as tricksters who must live by their wits, fooling those at top, is a classic theme--and how often we have seen it in play. Further, when the rich family goes on a camping trip and thunder strikes, we know what is going to happen if they poor family, astonishingly, does not. But then, maybe not--how in touch would a poor urban family be with nature?
What the movie brought home--yet again--is the way poor working people have to efface themselves and be endlessly pleasant, upbeat, and helpful to their employers, who are oblivious to what they are undergoing. I was reminded of an article I read some years ago of Latino nannies in the L.A. area who learned very quickly to tell their would-be employers they had no children, as the employers didn't like the idea that the nannies they employed had loyalties to any children but their own. This left the nannies not only with children at home, but having to juggle this without their employer's knowledge--a system very weighted to the emotional ease of the employers, who simply were alleviated of having to worry about another person's children, and to the added emotional stress of the nannies, who had to carry any childcare problems without employer support.
The husband in Parasite's rich family talks more than once about maintaining the "line" between the servants, in particular his driver, the father in the family, and himself. The employer doesn't like servants crossing the "line." On the night the poor family is having a fine time and the storm drives the rich family home early, the rich couple decide to sleep on the living room sofa so they they can watch their son, who is outside inn a teepee. The father of the poor family is hiding under the sofa, and grows increasingly humiliated and enraged as the rich husband talks about him "crossing the line" with his bad smell of radishes. The rich husband reveals how oblivious he is to the challenges the poor family faces simply keeping clean to his standards.
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The spacious, gracious uncluttered home of the rich is a contrast to the poor families' dingy, crowded apartment. |
A surprise to me was finding out about others living secretly in the rich people's house, but this shows that the secret lives of the poor have layers upon layers. A key privilege of class is the ability to remain oblivious, but this movie now makes that a little harder to do.
The poor family is not romanticized. They have a hard streak, well hidden (except in the case of the daughter) from the upper class through most of the movie. As an aside, after watching this movie, Virginia Woolf leapt to mind: her delight in the later 1930s when she bought a piece of technology we all take for granted: a modern gas (or perhaps oil) range in which she could regulate the temperature. This meant she didn't have to incessantly watch whatever was cooking: she could put a cake or a roast in the oven, set the timer, and go back to her writing. This alleviated her of needing to hire a cook, for which she was ecstatic. She, too, talks about the line between servants and masters in her essays: in her case, the willingness of servants to engage with employers about their own lives after World War I was an important sign of social change.
I don't want to give away the ending of the film, but from the film, from Woolf, from so many others, it becomes clear that not needing servants is a boon to everyone involved, perhaps especially the servants themselves--as long as there are other, more productive means of employment, which it seems a wealthy, industrialized country could provide.
I remarked that something bothered me about this movie. I've now worked out what it is by having read the opening five chapters of Trollope's Last Chronicle of Barset. It's this: in LCB a desperately poor curate, the family living in acute poverty, is accused of stealing 20£. Most of the people believe he did it because he is so poor so they despise him for not having somehow become better off; they distrust him because he is destitute. Those who don't believe this don't believe the accusation because on the man's exemplary virtuous character and utter self-sacrificing job thus far in life. Wht they don't compassionate is the situation. Like Dickens in David Copperfield (another contrast for me in a 1999 BBC film much worth viewing) deeply unabashed empathy is poured out over the situation. In the Trollope work (and another parallel one in yet another Victorian novel by Oliphant, The Curate in Charge) the point is made several times that it does not have to be this way. Nothing is held back. Bong Jong-ho called his film "Parasitic Worm" (the word in Korean also signals ugly blotches and smells that come when such worms get into someone's clothes or skin) and it is the two destitute families who are the worms. There was something too slick about the film. You in effect make a parallel between yourself cooking and the super-rich wife -- except of course you don't have all these servants. What may be said of it is it is just about wholly from the point of view of the excluded -- the excluded may be capable of bad behavior and nastiness but it is their eyes we see out of and steadily. That's not so in these Victorian examples. I've now written a blog myself about the movie, registering this doubt too:
ReplyDeleteI actually connect much more profoundly through the flooded toilet with the poor people--I understand how close I am to a world where I too would want to eat out because I was exhausted from work--just as I was too exhausted from the clean-up to cook.
ReplyDeleteWhat does worry me is that people could see the poor servants as parasites who unjustly turn on their employers, which would be to misunderstand the movie.